We are LUNA

We are transforming ourselves phase by phase like the moon, looking for our brightest side, discovering what we want to be and how we want to see ourselves. It is a search that doesn’t stop, it makes us move forward and look inwards to reflect what we want to show. It is to promote our best version with our own light.

That is why we are LUNA, a transformation, a search and a reflection of our own light.

Ari Cova


Hello! My name is Ari and I am the founder of Luna Beauty Supplies.

I fell in love with the beauty sector many “lunas” (moons) ago. I experienced the exciting growth and the development of the industry and at the same time became passionate about wanting to help people feel better about themselves. Hence, Luna Beauty Supplies was born!

In my spare time, I like doing yoga, pilates, swimming and meditation (when Santino, my puppy, allows me to!). Going to the beach is one of my favourite activities and spending time outdoors!


General Manager

I have a wealth of experience in being bossy but cute. I am in charge of receiving the stock, quality control and sniffing around. In my spare time, I love finding and chewing sticks at the park! Running like a wild horse at the beach and saying hi to everyone are some of my guilty pleasures!